Saturday, February 19, 2005


Dear Fresh Lover,
When you wake up in the bathtub and your kidneys are missing, and I am 40 miles away sweating feverishly behind the wheel of a stolen Volkswagen, will you think of me? Probably not because I also carved out the memory parts of your brain. Just Kidding.
Signed The Management
located via

Whether you soar high with in our home-world's atmosphere on a unicorn-dragon,or dance a ballet on the ice moon of Oteris 5, I will always love you.I will conquer galaxy upon galaxy to win your heart.I would gladly spend eternity on the desert prison colony of the Nebula Outpost just to spend one moment in your gaze. I will give you everything, the rare egg of a flytile cloud nester, the four settingsuns of Enochk, or the troll emperor's jeweled horn of the fabled forest kingdom of Lurr,Just ask and it will be yours.I would throw myself off the eternal blood falls and spend all time in agony, or ride my armor clad polar bear to the purple abyss of the ancestral wastelands if you would refuse to be my interstellar barbarian wizard queen.

Written by T Duncan


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