Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Denver Lexus owners keep fight alive!

Denver area Lexus owners keep up hope that the Democrats will still win the 2004 election. Chances are if you drive behind a Lexus in the metro area it will have a Kerry\Edwards bumper sticker still on display. When asked why, a proud Lexusteer responded, "I know the numbers don't look good now but I really believe Kerry will be the next president!"
Keeping hopes up has been easy since even the media is slow to recognize that George W. Bush
won the 2004 presidency. That's right GW won. Once this is explained to Lexus owners they will be free to remove their out dated stickers and focus their attention to things that really matter to them, grande soy mociattos from Starbucks.


Blogger Mr. Mescalito said...

So, just out of curiosity,

what are the republicans driving,
or are they all in the backs of limo's?

10:07 AM  

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